At McDermid, May (“Mii”) is the month of Courage (Michif for Brave is “Braav”)
Our May newsletter can be downloaded HERE.
Our May calendar can be downloaded HERE.
If you would like to watch a video of Elder Hazel Dixon teaching on Courage, click HERE
The Grandfather Teaching of Courage is represented by the Bear (Michif: “Aen Noor”). Courage is about facing our fears and standing up for ourselves. A mother bear will face her fears when her cubs are confronted with danger. Courage is also about not being reckless, seeing the danger and knowing when to say "no."
The bear is the symbol of courage, and just as the bear hibernates through the winter months, courage rests inside each and every one of us, ready to be awakened. The bear also reminds us that it’s important to have times of rest and play.