You can access our May, 2021 newsletter HERE
Families please note that a demographics form was also sent home with the newsletter. As we prepare to transition to Edsby (click HERE to learn more) we ask that families confirm the information on the forms and send them back as soon as possible.
This month's Grandfather Teaching is that of Courage, symbolized by the Bear. A mother bear is gentle by nature, but if one of her cubs is in danger, she will overcome her fears to confront threats. Some of our biggest threats can come from peer pressure. We need to be brave to stand up for what is right, even when it is hard. We also need to be brave and ask for help when we need it to deal with anger, pain, and other problems we are facing. This can be a good reminder for all of us to reach out to get the mental health support, and other supports, we may need.
The bear also reminds us to be playful and to rest when needed. It is in the balance of these teachings that we are taught when to be courageous. Share courage, not aggression.
To learn more about Courage with Elder Hazel and the Royal Saskatchewan Museum, click HERE