Many thanks to all of you for being so gracious as we all learn how to use home learning technology together. Remember that supplementary learning is optional - do as much or as little as works for your family, at your own pace. Our division has also created a support page for learning at home (click here) with resources and ideas. At the top of the page, you can find resources sorted by grade.
Please also consider the following community resources that are available to you and your family during this time.
• Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868
• 211 Saskatchewan text 211, call 211, or visit www.sk.211.ca
• Regina Crisis/Suicide Line 306-525-5333
• Child & Youth Services 306-766-6700
• Planned Parenthood 306-522-0902
• Sexual Assault Line 306-352-0434
• Sexual Health/STI Clinic 306-766-7788
• Social Services Income Assistance 306-787-3700
• Street Culture Youth Shelter 306-545-3445
• Family Service Regina 306-757-6675
• North Central Family Center 306-347-2552
Online resources
Psychology Today: Creating Healthy Habits in Quarantine: Part 1
WHO: Helping children cope with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak
ADAA: COVID-19 Lockdown Guide: How to Manage Anxiety and Isolation During Quarantine
And a reminder that the Salvation Army has a food truck providing free lunches available at the school parking lot from 12-12:30 Monday through Friday. This will continue through the Easter break, although they will not be there Friday the 10th or Monday the 13th. Lunches are available for anyone in the community who would like one.