Do you have a child who is 5 or will be 5 years old by December 31, 2020?
Now is the time to begin registering for Kindergarten for the fall of 2020 at McDermid Community School.
You can register a number of ways:
1. Online. The Kindergarten Registration Form can be found here. A completed form can be sent to mcdermid@rbe.sk.ca
2. Paper Copy. Email us at mcdermid@rbe.sk.ca or call 306-791-8502 and leave a message with your contact information. We will contact you to make plans to best fit your needs.
If you have any additional questions or require support, please contact mcdermid@rbe.sk.ca or our Principal, Mr. Bob Phillips, at bob.phillips@rbe.sk.ca.
Additional information about registering with Regina Public Schools can be found online here.