June 24, 2020
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Finishing this school year while looking to the start of the next school year
From all the staff at McDermid School: thank you to our families and students for your understanding and cooperation during the 2019/20 school year and in particular during our COVID time. You make McDermid School a special place. We look forward to seeing everyone back at school in September. Congratulations also to all of our Gr. 8 students on their Farewell and their transition to new adventures in Grade 9!
Last week the province announce that all students will return to school beginning on September 1st, 2020. The expectation is that 100% of students and staff will return at the start of the 2020/21 school year. This will be the case for McDermid students too. Staff at McDermid will follow provincial and division guidelines to make our return as safe as possible. Things may not be exactly as they have been in other years but we are making plans for a safe return.
School is set to start on Tuesday, September 1st. A calendar for the full school year can be found HERE. Our Kindergarten students will be every morning from 8:53 until 11:45 and will follow the same calendar. Students are to return on September 1st as follows:
- Pre-Kindergarten students will be contacted by their teacher during the first few weeks of school to arrange a home visit. This is what typically happens.
- Kindergarten students/families will have Tuesday, September 1st as a registration day. Once students are registered they will be provided with information on their staggered start. Orientation for Kindergarten will take place the mornings of Tuesday, September 1st and Wednesday, September 2nd. These are not regular class mornings: we ask that families come prepared to stay for part of the morning with their child to meet the teacher and learn about our programming. Your child will then go home with you for the remainder of the day. We will then have half of our group come for the morning of Thursday, September 3rd and the other half the morning of Friday, September 4th. All students will come for regular class times beginning Tuesday, September 8th. Supply List can be found Here.
- Grade 1, 2, 3 and some grade 4 students will arrive at school on Tuesday, September 1st at 8:53. Please meet on the front lawn of the school (if the weather is nice). Attached to this letter is a note to indicate the classroom you are currently in (this MAY change before the beginning of the school year). This time is for Ms. Howie, Ms. Osborne and Ms. Bednarcik’s students. Supply List can be found Here.
- Some grade 4 students and student in grade 5, 6, 7 and 8 will arrive at school on Tuesday, September 1st at 9:20. Please meet on the front lawn of the school (if the weather is nice). Attached to this letter is a note to indicate the classroom you are currently in (this MAY change before the beginning of the school year). This time is for Ms. Racette, Ms. Toporowski and Ms. Anderson's students. Supply List can be found Here. Ms. Anderson's Supply List Here
We have staggered the start to the school year and the arrival of students to provide a safe and smooth start to the 2020/21 school year.
If you have questions about the end of this school year or the beginning of the next school year, please send an email to mcdermid@rbe.sk.ca. We will attempt to answer your questions as quickly as possible. Also please make sure you continue to watch our school web page for updated information.
At McDermid Community School, we believe in Honour, Respect, and Responsibility.
Mr. B. Phillips Ms. A. Howard
Mr. Bob Phillips, Principal Ms. April Howard, Vice-Principal