Dear Parents/Guardians:
We made it to June! This was not the way we had hoped the school year would end, but we are looking at the things for which we can be thankful. We appreciate all of our families and know this has been a challenging time in a variety of ways.
As the year wraps up, we want to share a few dates to note:
June 15th – 19th: Teachers will be making phone calls to families to wrap up the school year. This will be the last week of phone call communication for the 2019/2020 school year. If you have not been receiving phone calls, please ensure we have your updated contact information.
June 23rd marks the Last Day of Supplemental Learning. After this, teachers will no longer be monitoring the Seesaw and Google Classroom accounts. No further activities will be posted.
June 24th and 25th from 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm: Report Cards will be available for pick up from the school.
- Please respect social distancing when you arrive.
- Families who have not yet picked up student materials can do so at this time.
- Please return any library books and school-lent band instruments at this time.
- If you cannot make these times, please contact us to make alternative arrangements.
- If report cards are not picked up, they will be kept at the school until the fall.
**Please read the attached note from our director, Greg Enion, about report cards.**
Other Reminders:
The Salvation Army Food Truck is continuing to provide free lunches Monday through Friday from 12:30-1:00 in the McDermid School parking lot. On Fridays, a hamper for the weekend is also provided.
Kindergarten registration is still open. Please let us know if you have a child who will be 5 years old by December 31st who will be attending Kindergarten.
If you know that your children will not be attending McDermid in the fall, please let us know as that will help us with our planning.
We will continue to post information regarding the fall as we receive it. Please check our Facebook page and website for the most up-to-date information.
We hope your families are doing well. If you require supports, please contact us and we can direct you to helpful resources.
Letter from the Director regarding progress reports: click here